Practice Test

Q1) The kingdom Protista is primarily made up of organisms that are
: Show Answer

Q2) Which of the following are absent in gymnosperms? Show Answer

Q3) The group of animals belonging to phylum protozoa is Show Answer

Q4) A species inhabiting different geographical areas is known as Show Answer

Q5) ICBN stands for Show Answer

Q6) A system of classification in which a large number of traits are considered is Show Answer

Q7) Karyotaxonomy is the modern branch of classification which is based on Show Answer

Q8) Mesosome in a bacterial cell is Show Answer

Q9) The process in which viruses are involved in sexual reproduction of bacteria is called Show Answer

Q10) For retting of jute the fermenting microbe used is Show Answer

Q11) The aquatic fern which is an excellent biofertilizer is Show Answer

Q12) Largest flower Rafflesia is Show Answer

Q13) Animals/Organisms floating on the surface of water are Show Answer

Q14) Collar cells occur in Show Answer

Q15) In which phylum nerve cells are found but nerves are absent? Show Answer

Q16) The colour of the body in earthworm is brown due to the presence of Show Answer

Q17) Lung Fluke is Show Answer

Q18) Which of the following is not an insect? Show Answer

Q19) In which of the following sets all are vectors ? Show Answer

Q20) Frog is Show Answer

Q21) Snakes receive sound vibrations by Show Answer

Q22) Which of the following systems in man is affected by the bite of cobra? Show Answer

Q23) Pneumatic bones of birds Show Answer

Q24) Which one is a link between chordates and nonchordates? Show Answer

Q25) Phenetic classification based on Show Answer

Q26) Ephedrine obtained from the stem of Ephedra is given to cure Show Answer

Q27) 'Pond Silk' is the common name of Show Answer

Q28) Which of the following is a non-poisonous snake? Show Answer

Q29) Fungi differ from algae due to
1) absent of chloroplasts
2) presence of chitin in wall
3) thallus-like body Show Answer

Q30) Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves because
1) asexual reproduction involves only one parent.
2) asexual reproduction does not involve gametes.
3) asexual reproduction involves two parents.
4) asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction. Show Answer

Q31) Which among the following has specialized tissue for conduction of water ?
1) Thallophyta
2) Bryophyta
3) Pteridophyta
4) Gymnosperms Show Answer

Q32) Which among the following have scales?
1) Amphibians
2) Pisces
3) Reptiles
4) Mammals
Show Answer

Q33) Which among the following have scales?
1) Arthropoda
2) Mollusca
3) Annelida
4) Coelenterata Show Answer

Q34) Organisms without nucleus and cell organelles belong to
1) fungi
2) protista
3) cyanobacteria
4) archae bacteria Show Answer

Q35) Which of the following statements are true for flowers?
1) Flowers are always bisexual .
2) They are the sexual reproductive organs.
3) They are produced in all groups of plants.
4) After fertilization they give rise to fruits Show Answer

Q36) Factors responsible for the rapid spread of bread mould on slices of bread are
1) large number of spores.
2) availability of moisture and nutrients in bread.
3) presence of tubular branched hyphae.
4) formation of round shaped sporangia Show Answer

Q37) Which of the following statements about mycoplasma is/are correct?
1) They are also called PPLO.
2) They are pleomorphic.
3) They are sensitive to penicillin.
4) They cause disease in plants. Show Answer

Q38) Which among the following statements are true for unisexual flowers?
1) They possess both stamen and pistil
2) They possess either stamen or pistil.
3) They exhibit cross pollination.
4) Unisexual flowers possessing only stamens cannot produce fruits Show Answer

Q39) Which of the following statements not correct about viruses?
1) In addition to proteins, viruses also contain genetic material that could be either DNA or RNA.
2) No virus contain both RNA and DNA.
3) A virus is nucleoproteins and genetic material is infectious.
4) The protein coat called capsid is made up of small subunits called viroids. Show Answer

Q40) Consider the following statements
1) Mushroom is actually a fungus.
2) Moss plants do not have true leaves.
3) Fern plants do not have true stems.
Which of the statement given above is/are correct? Show Answer

Q41) Consider the following statements regarding the major pigments and stored food in the different groups of algae and choose the correct option
1) in chlorophyceae, the stored food material is starch and the major pigments are chlorophyll-a and d
2) In phaeophyceae, laminarin is the stored food and major pigments are chlorophyll-a and b.
3) In rhodophyceae, floridean starch is the stored food and the major pigments are chlorophyll-a, d and phycoerythrin. Show Answer

Q42) Which of the following statements are true/false?
1. Trimerous condition of floral whorl is characteristic of dicotyledons.
2. In gymnosperms the vascular system consists of xylem without vessel and phloem with companion cells.
3. Ricca and Marchantia are liverworts. Show Answer

Q43) Which of the following statements are incorrect ?
1) Protista includes multicelluar eukaryotic organisms.
2) Whittaker consider cell structure, mode and source of nurition for classifying the organisms in five kingdoms.
3) Both Monera and Protista may be autotrphic and heterotrophic.
4) Monerans have well defined nucleus. Show Answer

Q44) Which of the following statements are correct?
1) Aves are cold blooded, egg laying and have four chambered heart.
2) Aves have feather covered body, fore limbs are modified as wings and breathe through lungs.
3) Most of the mammals are viviparous.
4) Fishes, amphibians and reptiles are oviparous. Show Answer

Q45) Assertion : Blood of insects is colourless.
Reason : The blood of insect does not play any role in transport of oxygen. Show Answer

Q46) Assertion : Blood pressure is arterial blood pressure.
Reason : It is measured by sphygnomanometer. Show Answer

Q47) Assertion : Photorespiration decreases net photosynthesis
Reason : Rate of respiration in dark and light is almost same in all plants. Show Answer

Q48) Assertion : Medulla oblongata causes reflex control action like vomiting, coughing and sneezing.
Reason : It has many nerve cell which control autonomic reflexes Show Answer

Q49) Assertion : Senescence is delayed by the application of cutokinin in plants.
Reason : Cytokinin prevents the breakdown of chlorophyll, proteins and nuclein acid. Show Answer

Q50) Assertion : Suppression of growth of auxiliary buds is called apical dominance
Reason : It is due to effect of downward movement of auxin from apical region towards the lower side. Show Answer

Q51) Assertion : Seismonastic movement shown by Mimosa pudica plant.
Reason : It is due to change in turgidity of cells of pulvinus Show Answer

Q52) Assertion : Holoblastic cleavage with almost equal sized blastomeres is a characteristics of placental animals .
Reason : Eggs of most mammals, including humans, are of centrolecithal type. Show Answer

Q53) The rate at which oxygen moves from the alveoli of our lungs into our blood. Show Answer

Q54) Which of the following is not a component of plasma? Show Answer

Q55) The function of the glomerulus and bowman's capsule of the nephron is to Show Answer

Q56) The natural plan hormones were first isolated from Show Answer

Q57) Veins can be differentiated from arteries because the veins Show Answer

Q58) Blood vessel carrying blood from lung to heart through Show Answer

Q59) Major function of contractile vacuole is Show Answer

Q60) Vocal cords occur in Show Answer

Q61) The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon dioxide, water and energy takes place in Show Answer

Q62) Heart beat can be initiated by Show Answer

Q63) Largest heart is found in Show Answer

Q64) Erythropoiesis may be stimulated by the deficiency of Show Answer

Q65) A pacemaker is meant for Show Answer

Q66) Which one is anabolic process? Show Answer

Q67) Most thick walled and largest chamber of heart is Show Answer

Q68) The photoreceptor cells of the eye are located in the Show Answer

Q69) The pineal body is considered as Show Answer

Q70) In our body, calcium and phosphorus ions are controlled by Show Answer

Q71) Which of the following acts both as endocrine (ductless) and endocrine (with duct) gland? Show Answer

Q72) Which of the following is not an endocrine gland? Show Answer

Q73) Number of spinal nerves in human is Show Answer

Q74) Artificial ripening of fruit is carried out by Show Answer

Q75) Which of the following protects the brain from shocks? Show Answer

Q76) The development of offspring from any part of body is called Show Answer

Q77) Oral-contraceptive prevent the Show Answer

Q78) Tunica albuginea is the covering of Show Answer

Q79) Seminiferous tubules are composed of Show Answer

Q80) Cowper's glands are found in Show Answer

Q81) Ovulation in mammals is caused by Show Answer

Q82) Which of the following hormones is related in excess quantity during excitement Show Answer

Q83) The blood circulatory system of human being is Show Answer

Q84) The name of the vessel that delivers the nutrient rich blood from the stomach and small intestine to the liver is Show Answer

Q85) Which of the following organs of human body is said to be a reserve bank of blood? Show Answer

Q86) Which part of the alimentary canal in human being receives the secretion of liver and pancreas through a common duct ? Show Answer

Q87) During the anaerobic respiration that takes place in our muscles while doing rigorous exercise, what is the end-product formed in the muscle? Show Answer

Q88) Oxygen released during photosynthesis of green plants comes from the break down of Show Answer

Q89) Which of part of the alimentary canal is responsible for the digestion of proteins in human beings? Show Answer

Q90) The enzyme present in the saliva of human beings breaks Show Answer

Q91) Which of the following is essential in the controlling of blood sugar ? Show Answer

Q92) Heart pumps only impure blood in case of Show Answer

Q93) In which of the following human organs does fat consumed gets broken down into fatty acids and glycerol? Show Answer

Q94) Which of the following enzyme is found in human saliva? Show Answer

Q95) The nerve endings in the skin carry the sensation? Show Answer

Q96) Which tissue is responsible for the passage of water in plants? Show Answer

Q97) Fixation of nitrogen is the process by which Show Answer

Q98) What is the normal blood sugar level of a human being? Show Answer

Q99) Development of an egg without fertilization is called Show Answer

Q100) Which one of the following enzymes digests starch ? Show Answer

Q101) Which part of the nervous system controls the activities of the internal organs? Show Answer

Q102) When the left ventricle in the human heart controls, the blood moves to the Show Answer

Q103) Transport of oxygen by blood takes place with help of Show Answer

Q104) Food of the developing foetus is supplied by Show Answer

Q105) How many times does the heart beat, approximately, in minute in humans? Show Answer

Q106) At very high altitude, the red blood corpuscles in the human body will Show Answer

Q107) The total number of vertebrae in human being is Show Answer

Q108) Which one of the following chemicals is a neurotransmitter substance? Show Answer

Q109) How many bones are there in the human cranium? Show Answer

Q110) The human heart is enclosed in the Show Answer

Q111) Which of the following statements about the flow of sap through phloem is true?
1) Sap moves through phloem under pressure.
2) Sap moves through phloem in one direction only, from the root to the leaves.
3) Phloem sap moves through the inside of living cells.
4) Sugars moves through sap by active transport. Show Answer

Q112) Which of the following light are not require for photosynthesis?
1) Green
2) Yellow
3) Blue and red
4) Yellow and violet Show Answer

Q113) Which of the following statements are correct?
1) A person of 'AB' blood group is universal recipient.
2) A person of 'B' blood can't donate blood to a person of 'A' blood group.
3) Blood group is designated on the basis of the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma.
4) A person of 'O" blood group has anti 'A and anti 'B' antibodies in his blood plasma.
Show Answer

Q114) Which of the following statements are correct ?
1) Deoxygenated blood is poured into right atrium of heart.
2) The excretory units of flatworms are flame cells.
3) Human kidney has about 1 million nephridia.
4) Tracheids and vessels are non-living conducting tissues.
Show Answer

Q115) Which of the following statements are correct?
1) Pyruvate can be converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide by yeast.
2) Fermentation takes place in aerobic bacteria.
3) Fermentation takes place in mitochondria.
4) Fermentation is a form of anaerobic respiration.
Show Answer

Q116) Which of the following statements are true about heart ?
1) Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from different parts of body while right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from lungs.
2) Left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different body parts while right ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs.
3) Left atrium transfer oxygenated blood to right ventricle which sends it to different body parts.
4) Right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body while left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to different parts of the body. Show Answer

Q117) Which is not the part of hind brain?
1) Medulla oblongata
2) Cerebrum
3) Cerebellum
4) Hypothalamus Show Answer

Q118) Which of the following statements are true?
1) Sudden action is response something in the environment is called reflex action.
2) Sensory neurons carry signals from spinal cord to muscles.
3) Motor neurons carry signals from receptors to spinal cord
4) The path through which signals are transmitted from a receptor to a muscle or a gland is called reflex are. Show Answer

Q119) Which of the following statements are true about brain?
1) The main thinking part of brain is hind brain.
2) Centers of hearing, smell, memory, sight etc, are located in fore brain.
3) Involuntary actions like salivation, vomiting, blood pressure are controlled by the medulla in the hind brain.
4) Cerebellum does not control posture and balance of the body. Show Answer

Q120) Which of the following statements about transmission of nerve impulse are correct?
1) Nerve impulse travels from dendrite and towards axonal end.
2) At the dendritic end electrical impulses bring about the release of some chemicals which generate an electrical impulses at the axonal end of another neuron.
3) The chemical released from the axonal end of one neuron cross the synapse and generate a similar electrical impulse in a dendrite of another neuron.
4) A neuron transmits electrical impulses not only to another neuron but also to muscle and gland cells. Show Answer

Q121) Which of the following statements are correct?
1) Negative geotropism in horizontal stem is caused by accumulation of auxins on the lower side.
2) Pineapple can be made to flower in off season by the application of ethylene.
3) The ratio of auxin to cytokinin controls cell differentiation.
4) Large sized grapes can be produced through cytokinin treatment. Show Answer

Q122) Bipolar neurons occur in
1) retina o eye
2) olfactory epithelium
3) inner ear
4) brain Show Answer

Q123) Which among the following statements are true for sexual reproduction in flowering plant?
1) It requires two types of gametes
2) Fertilization is a compulsory event.
3) It always results in formation of zygote.
4) Offspring formed are clones.
Show Answer

Q124) Which of the following hormones produce by human males
1) Testosterone
2) Luteinizing hormone
3) Follicle stimulating hormone
4) Progesterone Show Answer

Q125) Which of the following statement are true about respiration?
1) During inhalation, ribs moves inward and diaphragm is raised.
2) In the alveoli, exchange of gases takes place i.e. oxygen from alveolar air diffuses into blood and carbon dioxide from blood into alveolar air.
3) Hemoglobin has greater affinity for carbon dioxide than oxygen.
4) Alveoli increase surface area for exchange of gases. Show Answer

Q126) Offspring formed by asexual method of reproduction have greater similarity among themselves because
1) asexual reproduction involves only one parent.
2) asexual reproduction does not involve gametes.
3) asexual reproduction occurs before sexual reproduction.
4) asexual reproduction occurs after sexual reproduction . Show Answer

Q127) Which of the following is not the function of testes at puberty?
1) Formation of germs cells
2) Secretion of testosterone
3) Development of placenta
4) Secretion of estrogen
Show Answer

Q128) Which of the following are examples of osmosis?
1) The absorption of water by root hairs.
2) The absorption of mineral salt by root hairs
3) The absorption of water by dry cotton wool.
4) The absorption of water by the large intestines.
Show Answer

Q129) Which of the following substances are synthesized in plants, using mineral salt from the soil?
1) Protein
2) Chlorophyll
3) Starch
Show Answer

Q130) Some of the features of plant leaves are listed.
1) Hair on lower surface
2) Large surface area
3) Waxy cuticle
Which features reduce water loss from the leaves? Show Answer

Q131) Which of the following are reasons why blood flow to the skeletal muscle increases during exercise?
1) To remove more urea from the muscle.
2) To carry more heat away from the muscle.
3) To increases the oxygen supply to the muscle. Show Answer

Q132) Which of the following actions take place in a mammalian stomach?
1) Curdling of proteins in milk.
2) Killing bacteria in food.
3) Churning food into small pieces.
4) Converting amino acids into urea.
Show Answer

Q133) Which of the following statements about arteries are correct?
1) All arteries do not contain any valves.
2) All arteries transport blood away from the heart.
3) All arteries transport blood under high pressure.
4) All arteries transport oxygenated blood. Show Answer

Q134) Which of the following ways can AIDS be transmitted from an infected mother to the baby?
1) Via placenta during gestation.
2) During delivery of baby.
3) Consuming breast milk. Show Answer

Q135) Which of the following are essential roles of amniotic fluid during the development of the foetus?
1) To nourish the foetus.
2) To prevent the foetus from drying up.
3) To provide cushioning for the foetus. Show Answer

Q136) Which of the following is associated with the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle?
1) Pituitary gland production of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
2) Estrogen production
3) Follicle maturation
4) Corpus luteum development Show Answer

Q137) Which of the following statements about gas exchange and gas exchange structures are true?
1) Human alveoli are in close proximity to blood capillaries.
2) Large aquatic organisms tend to rely on gills as their gas exchange surfaces.
3) Terrestrial gas exchange must be adapted to the problem of water loss.
4) Most large organisms get the gases they need by means of diffusion across their skin. Show Answer

Q138) Consider the following statements
1) The plants closer the stomata when it does not need carbon dioxide for phoytosynthesis
2) Nitrogen is essential for the synthesis of proteins
3) Water used in photosynthesis is taken up from the soil by the root.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q139) About 98% of the mass of every living organism is composed of just six elements including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen Show Answer

Q140) In photosynthesis Show Answer

Q141) Consider the following statements
1) Solar energy is stored in the form of food in the leaves with the help of chlorophyll.
2) The colour of leaves is due to four pigments chlorophyll-a, chorophyll-b, xanthophyll and carotenoids
3) Chlorophyll-b and carotenoids are necessary pigments
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q142) Which one of the following statements is not correct ? Show Answer

Q143) With reference to normal human beings, consider the following statements ?
1) In response to the presence of HCI, secretin is produced from the duodenum.
2) Entergastrone is produced in the small intestine in response to the presence of fatty acids
Which of these statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q144) Balanced diet contains Show Answer

Q145) Which of the following statements about veins is incorrect ? Show Answer

Q146) Consider the following statements
1) Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries and arterioles.
2) Angina pectoris is pains in the chest
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q147) When the bark of a tree is removed in a circular fashion all around near its base, it gradually dries up and dies because Show Answer

Q148) Consider the following statements
1) Deficiency of water decreases the rate of ascent of sap.
2) Most accepted theory of ascent of sap was given by Dixon and Jolly.
3) High temperature increases the rate of ascent of sap.
Which of the statement given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q149) Which of the following statement correctly defines Bhor's effect ? Show Answer

Q150) Tissue respiration is the process by which Show Answer

Q151) Which one of the following parts of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting ? Show Answer

Q152) Consider the following statements
1) Cerebrum of human brain is most highly developed as compared to others.
2) Hypothalamus part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q153) Study the following statements
1) The smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system is neuron
2) The longest cells of human body is neuron cell.
Which of the statements given above are true ? Show Answer

Q154) Assertion (A) The person with diabetes inspidus feels thirsty
Reason (R) A person with diabities inspidus suffers from excess secretion of vasopressin. Show Answer

Q155) Consider the following statements
1) Human embryo in uterus float into a fluid called amniotic fluid.
2) In uterus, embryo get their nutrition through placenta.
3) The developing embryo will also excrete waste substance
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q156) Consider the following statements
1) The testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity in a sac. of skin called the scrotal sac.
2) The sperms develop at 2-3 degree C lower than the main body temperature
3) This is the the optimum temperature for sperm production.
4) The life of sperm is greatly reduced if the temperature is higher
Which of the statements given above are true about testes ? Show Answer

Q157) Consider the following plants
1) Bougainivillea
2) Carnations
3) Cacao
4) Grapes
Which of these plants are propagaated by stem cuttings ? Show Answer

Q158) The true potato seed is among the following Show Answer

Q159) Which of the following statements is/are correct
1) The method used for breaking the hard seed coat is known as scarification.
2) scarification is used in the crops like gram, Cajanus cajan.
3) Dilute sulphuric acid is used for soaking treatment of seeds Show Answer

Q160) Which of the following statements is/are correct among given ?
1) Food and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a kind of viral inflectious disease in cattles.
2) Black quarted is a kind of bacteria disease.
3) Surra disease is a kind of bacteria disease.
Show Answer

Q161) Which of the following statements is incorrect ?
1) Freezing point of milk is the only reliable test for detection of water in milk
2) To detect colostrum or mastitis milk the alcohol test is used
3) Sediment test is adopted for detection of visible dirt in the milk Show Answer

Q162) The art of determining the relative vertical distance of different points on the surface of earth, which is a part of agricultural engineering. The art is known as Show Answer

Q163) Study the following statements
1) Tendons connect bone to muscles.
2) Bone forming cells are osteoblast.
3) Ligament connect bone to bone.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q164) Assertion (A) The cell wall is entirely lacking in plant cells.
Reason (R) The cell wall is a semi-rigid, freely permeable, non-living part of the cell made up
of a polysaccharide carbohydrate called cellulose Show Answer

Q165) Assertion (A) Epithelial tissue takes part in healing the wounds.
Reason (R) Fatty tissue helps in keeping the body warm. Show Answer

Q166) Consider the following statements
1) Parenchyma tissue provides support to plant and also stores food.
2) The flexibility in plants is due to collenchyma.
3) Sclerenchyma makes the plant hard and stiff
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q167) Consider the following statements
1) Octopus is also known as devil fish
2) Cuttle fish is also known as sepia.
3) Starfish is named as Asterias
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q168) Study the following statements
1) Study of bones is called Osteology.
2) Process of bone formation is known as ossification.
3) Sesamoid bones formed by ossification in tendons
Which of the statements give above are correct about bones ? Show Answer

Q169) Pick out the correct statement about dengue fever.
1) Dengue is also known as breakdone fever.
2) Dengue is caused by dengue virus, a type of arbovirus.
3) Dengue is transmitted by the bite of Anopheles mosquitoes.
4) Joint pains, muscle pains, eyeballs and skin rash are some symptoms.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q170) Assertion (A) Insulin and glucagons are known as antagonisatic hormones.
Reason (R) Insulin are glucagons work against each other to control the process of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Show Answer

Q171) Consider the following statements and pick out the right statement
1) Grey matter is made of cell bodies of neurons in CNS.
2) White matter consists of only nerve fibres.
3) White matter looks white due to the presence of myelin
Select the correct statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q172) Which of the following statements is/are correct among the given
1) In the system of calf rearing the Suckling method is one where the calf is allowed to stay with its mother
2) In wearing method the calf is allowed to stay with its mother.
3) The colostrum is having the high percentage of anti-oxidants, which protect the calf from the infections.
4) The shifting is not so necessary of the pregnant animal three months prior to calving, in calving pen. Show Answer

Q173) Assertion (A) Adrenaline secreted by the Chromaffing cells of the adrenal medulla is known as emergency hormone.
Reason (R) Adernal medulla contributes the 'fright' fight or flight reactions which occure in condition of emergency which occurs in condition of emergenvy Show Answer

Q174) Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
1) Skin - Sweet
2) Lungs - CO2 and water
3) Liver - Bile pigment
4) Intensive - Urea
Show Answer

Q175) Which of the following statements statements is correct ?
1) Out of 120 ml of glomerular filrate formed in one minute, only 1 mL goes as urine.
2) In the normal adult, glomerular filtrate produced in one day is about 180L.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below. Show Answer

Q176) Assertion (A) In genetic engineering restriction enzymes produce desired DNA fragments
Reason (R) Plasmid is used as an important vector for gene cloning. Show Answer

Q177) Consider the following statements.
1) During inspiration, the diagraphm contract simultaneously. This moves the lateral thoracic walls outward walls outwards and upwards
2) Bring expiration the diaphram and external intercoastal muscles relax simultaneously. This moves the later thoracic walls inward and downward
Which of the statements given above is/are true ? Show Answer

Q178) Pick out the incorrect statement about hear sounds.
Show Answer

Q179) Study the following statements
1) Digestion of cellulose in rabbit takes place in caecum.
2) Liver has four lobes in human and five lobes in rabbit
3) Phagoctic cells in liver are called Kupffer cells.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q180) Consider the following statements
1) Right kidney is slightly lower than left kidney.
2) Structural and functional unit of kidney is nephron.
3) Kidney lies below liver.
Which of the statements given above are correct about kidney ? Show Answer

Q181) Study the following statements
1) Photosynthesis is an anabolic and oxidation reduction process.
2) In chlorophyll, Mg surrounded by four pyrole rings and a phytol tail.
3) Rate of photosynthesis is enhanced if long and short radiations applied simultaneously
Which of the statements given above correct about photosynthesis ? Show Answer

Q182) Consider the following statements
1) Colour of skin depends on melanin
2) Thickest layer of skin is found on sole.
3) Uppermost layer of skin is called epidermis.
Which of the statements given above are true about skin ? Show Answer

Q183) Which of the following pair is correctly List I (Cardiac Cycle) and List II (Time Period)
1) Atrial systole - 1 s
2) Atrial diastole - 0.7 s
3) Ventricular systole - 0.3 s
4) Ventricular diastole - 0.4 s
5) Complete cardiac cycle - 0.3 s
Select the correct answer from the codes given below Show Answer

Q184) Which of the following statements about bile juice are true ?
1) Bile pigments bilirubin and biliverdin are responsible for the golden yellow colour of bile
2) The bile salt are sodium and potassium salts of bile acids and conjugated to to glycine or terrine
3) The bile acids are synthesises from nucleic acids
4) The two principle bile acids and chenodeoxycholic acid
Select the correct answer from the codes given below Show Answer

Q185) Study the following statements.
1) Filtration of blood occur in Bowman's capsule.
2) Artificial kidney work on the principle of dialysis.
3) Main function of kidney is ultra filtration
4) In mammals, urinary bladder open into urethra.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q186) Study the following statements.
1) Kidney failure is treated with haemodialysis.
2) Kidney stone are made of calcium oxalate
3) urine is yellow in colour due to urochome pigment
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q187) Study the following statements
1) Bisexual flower contains both male and female reproductive organs
2) Unisexual flower has only one essential floral whorl, either androecium or gynoecium
Which of the statements given above is/are correct about flowers ? Show Answer

Q188) Consider the following statements
1) Phyllode is a modification of leaf.
2) In case of phyllode, petiole becomes flat, green and photosynthetic
3) Acacia is the example of phyllode.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q189) Which of the following statements are true ?
1) The end product of carbohydrate digestion are monosaccharides
2) The end product of protein digestion are amino acids
3) The end products of fat digestion are fatty acid and glycerol
4) The end product of nucleic acid digestion are nitrogenous bases, pentose sugars and phosphoric acid
Select the correct answer from the codes given below
Show Answer

Q190) The genetically engineered 'golden rice' is rich in which of the following ? Show Answer

Q191) Assertion (A) After the apperance of oxygen in the atmosphere, methane and ammonia began to disappear.
Reason (R) Oxygen is involved in forming ozone layer. Show Answer

Q192) Assertion (A) Aristotle is called father of Zoology as well as Botany.
Reason (R) Hippocrates is known as father of medicine. Show Answer

Q193) Study the following statements
1) Tap root commonly occurs in dicotyledons
2) Onions is a modified form of stem.
3) The edible part of turmeric is rhizome.
4) Eye of potato are axillary buds.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q194) Consider the following statements.
1) Leguminous plant is related with family-Leguminsae.
2) Crop, which provide oil comes under family-Cruciferae.
3) Grain providing plant is related to the family-Gramineae.
Which of the statements is given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q195) Which of the following characteristics are associated with halophytic plants ?
1) Presence of pneumatophores.
2) Leaves and stem have hairy and waxy covering
3) Shows viviparous germination.
4) Leaves show heterophylly.
Select the correct answer from the codes given below Show Answer

Q196) Consider the following statements
1) Phylloclades is cylindrical green photosynthetic stem with unlimited growth.
2) Cladode is green photosynthetic stem with limited growth
Which of the statements given above is/are correct about aerial shoot modification ? Show Answer

Q197) Consider the following statements
1) Jonas Salk developed polio vaccine
2) Selman Waksman discovered streptomycin from Streptomyces greises
3) Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin from Penicillium notatum
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q198) Asertion (A) Each coacervate is composed of maromolecules.
Reason (R) It was the first living cell. Show Answer

Q199) Assertion (A) Birds are the only animals with a body convering with features.
Reason (R) Their forelegs are adapted as wing and are usually used in flight Show Answer

Q200) Pick out the incorrect statement about fungi. Show Answer

Q201) Lichen is considered to be a symbiotic association of two living organism. Which organism are involved in it ? Show Answer

Q202) Consider the following statements
1) Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
2) Sex chromosome in human male are named XY.
3) Chromosomes are best seen in metaphase
Which of the statements given above are false about chromosomes ? Show Answer

Q203) Consider the following statements
1) Carbon dioxide, chlorophyll and sunlight all are essential for photosynthesis.
2) Rate of photosynthesis is maximum in red light and minimum in green light.
3) Increase in O2 concentration decrease photosynthesis
Which of the statements given above are correct about photosynthesis ? Show Answer

Q204) Consider the following statements.
1) The sugar present in RNA is ribose.
2) The pyrimidines found in RNA is thymine.
3) The genomic RNA is double stranded in wound tumor virus and reovirus.
Which of the statements given above are true about RNA ? Show Answer

Q205) Assertion (A) Pseudocoelomates includes those organism in which the body cavity is lined by epithelial cells.
Reason (R) Aschelminthes worms such as roundworm, pinworm, hookworm are Pseudocoelomates Show Answer

Q206) Which of the following pairs are correctly matched ?
1) Vitamin-B1 : Thiamine
2) Vitamin-B2 : Niacin
3) Vitamin-B3 : Pantothenic acid
4) Vitamin-B4 : Riboflavin Show Answer

Q207) Consider the following statements
1) Homologous organs are common origin with different functions.
2) Analogous organs are different in origin but perform similar function in different organism.
3) Vestigal organs are non-functional and rudimentary organs in an organism which are fully developed and functional in phylogenetically related organisms.
Which of the statements given above are correct ?
Show Answer

Q208) Study the following statements
1) Palaeontology is study of fossils, which are the remnants and impressions of extinct organism preserved in sedimentary rocks.
2) Pertrification is kind of fossil in which parts like bones, shells, teeth are preserved
3) 25,000 years old frozen mammoths were found in siberia, buried in ice.
4) Radioactive carbon dating method introduced by Libby.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q209) Consider the following statements
1) THe sugar present in DNA is deoxyribose.
2) Circular DNA occurs in bacteria mitochondria and chloroplast.
3) The bond present between two strands of DNA is hydrogen bond
Which of the statements given above are true about DNA ? Show Answer

Q210) Which of the following is an artificial sweetener ?
1) Saccharine
2) Lactose
3) Sucrose
4) Aspartame
Select the correct answer from the codes given below Show Answer

Q211) Assertion (A)
Monoclonal antibodies are of enormous valve in treating cancer.
Reason(R) Monoclonal antibodies can detect, diagnose and determine the extent of cancer spread and more importantly have the advantage of destroying diseases tissues only, while sparing healthy tissues. Show Answer

Q212) Consider the following statements
1) Areolar connective tissue is found between the skin and muscles, around blood vessels and nerves and in the bone marrow.
2) Fat strong adipose tissue is found below the skin and between internal organs.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q213) Consider the following cell organelles of the cell.
1) Mitochondria
2) Choloroplasts
3) Endoplasmic reticulum
Which of the above is/are semi/autonomous organelle(s) ? Show Answer

Q214) Consider the following function of xylem.
1) Conduction of water
2) Conduction of minerals
3) Mechanism support
Which of the function(s) of xyulem given above is /are correct ? Show Answer

Q215) Study the following statements
1) Neurons are considered as the longest cell of the body
2) Neurons form the structural and functional unit of nervous system.
3) Nervous tissue are found in brain. spinal cord and nerves.
Which of the statements given above are correct ? Show Answer

Q216) A new technique in medical science that is non-invasive, does not utilise radiation and gathers biochemical information without time-consuming chemical analysis is Show Answer

Q217) Freshly passed urine has hardly any smell but when it is allowed to stand, it develops a strong ammoniacal odour owing to Show Answer

Q218) Sulphur shower is Show Answer

Q219) The source of three important narcotic drugs bhang, ganja and hashish (charas) is one and the same
plant. Which one of the following is this plant ? Show Answer

Q220) Assertion (A) Food storage polysaccharide important to mammals is glycogen.
Reason (R) Excess of carbohydrate in mammals is stored in the form of glycogen in liver and muscles. Show Answer

Q221) Which of the following events are associated with photosynthesis? select the correct answer using
the codes below the events.
1) Capture of light energy by photosynthesis pigments.
2) Consumption of cellular ATP.
3) Reduction of carbondioxide.
4) Synthesis of sugars Show Answer

Q222) Compare the photsynthetic pigments given below with the plant group.
1) Fucoxanthin - Brown algae
2) Phycoerythrin - Red algae
3) Phycocyanin - Green algae
Which of the above pairs is/are correctly matched ? Show Answer

Q223) Consider the following statements about pollination
1) The transfer of pollen grains from the anther to ovules in the same flower or a different
flower is called pollination
2) The pollination by wind is called anemophily.
3) Pollination by birds is known as ornithphily
4) Seeds may develop in some water ferns without pollination
Which of the above statement are correct ? Show Answer

'Gelatin' a very important raw material for the preparation of photographic emulsion is a very product Show Answer

Q225) Consider the following scheme of the circulation of blood in the mammalian heart.
1) Left auricle
2) Right auricle
3) Left ventricle
4) Right ventricle
The correct sequence, in which blood flows through the mammalian heart in Show Answer

Q226) Many bird keeping thier breaks open for fairly long periods of time during hot summer months are
reflective of
1) thirst
2) rapid shallow respiration and profuse salivation
3) Panting
4) tetanus of muscles supporting beak (lock-jaw) Show Answer

Q227) Consider the following plants
1) Dobber
2) Indian pipe
3) Pitcher
4) Sundew
Which of the above plants are unable to photosythesis ? Show Answer

Q228) Consider the following statements
1) Pasteur's Swan neck experiment prove that new organism arise from pre-existing ones
2) Theory of use and disuse of organs given by lamarck.
3) Drawin wrote the book on the origin of species by mean of natural selection in 1859
4) Lamarck wrote the book Phiosophie Zoologique
Which of the above are true ? Show Answer

Q229) Consider the following statements
1) nearly 75% of the worlds production of oils and fats comes from plants.
2) Genetic engineering has enables biotechnologists to modify seed oil biochemistry to produce designer oils
3) Biotechnologist are also developing plants that can produce biodegradable plastics, but the cost in plants is much higher than in transgenic bacteria
4) One of the major advantages of plant tissue culture is mass production of identical plants from a small piece of tissue. However extended growth of plant cells in culture may result in increases genetic diversity
Which of these statements are correct ? Show Answer

Q230) Consider the following statements
1) some flowering plants cannot photosynthesise and are, therefore parastic can other plants
2) Legumes are a rich source of proteins as they as they can synthesise the enzyme nitroenase to fix atmospheric nitrogen
3) Some bacteria also photosynthesise.
4) Some flowering plants get their nourishment from dead and decaying organic matter.
Which of the above statements is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q231) In some plants, the flower is modified in such a way that it looks like a female insect and attract male counterparts for the copulation. Such modification is used for the pollination and occurs ? Show Answer

Q232) Consider the following(s) statements
1) Pearl is obtained from oyster
2) Calcium carbonate is the main component of pearl.
3) Rainbow coloured pearl is supposed to be the best pearl
Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct ? Show Answer

Q233) The horticular product in India is lost majorly due to the lack of post harvest measures. Such measures are most important so as to eradicate the field heat and to minimise the adulteration with proper preservation and conservation of such commodities. The infrastructure in India with reference to this fact has a wide link. Which govermental agency works as a father institution for the horticultural crops ? Show Answer

Q234) Which of the following statement is/are correct ?
1) Anemochory is a dispersal of seeds where the stroms and strong winds act as dispersal agents.
2) Zoochory is a dispersal of seeds where the storms and the strong winds act as the dispersal agents
3) Hydrochory is a dispersal of seeds where the water acts as the dispersal agent.
Show Answer

Q235) Which is the modern technique of irrigation, which save the water and increases the water consumption and utilisation capacity of the crops plant ? Show Answer

Q236) Most fishes do not sink in water because of the
1) Swim bladder
2) Air bladder
3) Air sacs
4) Air in spongy bones Show Answer

Q237) Assertion (A) The rate of the photosynthesis is higher in blue light.
Reason (R) Blue light quanta carry more energy than red light Show Answer

Q238) It is advisable to sleep under a peepal tree (Ficus religiosa ) at night because Show Answer

Q239) Pick out the incorrect statements about parathormone
Show Answer

Q240) Injaz, is the name of the world’s first cloned Show Answer

Q241) Which is Nrishans animal? Show Answer

Q242) Which of the following elements is not essential for plant growth? Show Answer

Q243) Living organisms require at least 27 elements, of which, 15 are metals. Among these, those required in major quantities, include : Show Answer

Q244) Carbon dating is used to determine the age of Show Answer

Q245) Which one of the following is not a plant hormone ? Show Answer

Q246) Which component of plants receives stimulus for flowering? Show Answer

Q247) Insectivorous fish used for mosquito control is: Show Answer

Q248) Anthophobia is fear of the following : Show Answer